Monday, July 23, 2012

Care Labels explained

Osca Newsletter 23.7.2012 - Useful information.

Garment Care labels can sometimes be confusing.
Before you take that next perfect garment home, always check the care label. We all want our new addition to the wardrobe to continue looking as great as the day we bought it for as long as possible, but inevitably, there comes a day when it needs to be washed or dry cleaned and inevitably ironed.

At Osca, we always try to check the labels before we iron your garments so please don't remove the label even if it is a little scratchy on the skin. It is the best way to make sure your garments are ironed to perfection.

Advances in chemistry and nano-technology mean new fabrics are being manufactured all the time. Just because a fabric looks like cotton and feels like cotton to the touch, it may not be.  A wrong temperature washing machine setting or a wrong setting on the iron can ruin a garment in seconds so to ensure your garment is taken care of correctly, always follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Here is a list of the most common garment care labels to help you make the right choice, whether, buying, washing, dry-cleaning or ironing your garments.