Thursday, November 22, 2012

Osca Ironing - Stain procedures

About Osca Ironing - Osca Stain Procedures

A page from the Osca Ironers Handbook -

Osca Stain Procedures.

A When you notice an article in a customer's basket that has a stain on it.
1 Stop Ironing.
2 Check Customer Card for any customer 'Stain Instructions' .
· Follow customer instructions.
if there are no customer instructions :
· Seek advice from the Osca Office.
· Follow advice given and proceed as instructed.
3 Write a 'Stain Advice Note' to the customer. Bag or fold garment separately and attach note.
4 Continue Ironing.

B When a stain is caused while ironing.
1 Stop Ironing.
· Determine the origin of the stain.
2a If the stain can be easily laundered.
for example
- soap, bleach, deodorant or other particle residue that browns when touched with a hot iron.
- rust or other particle build-up stain from inside the iron water chamber.
- excess starch.
Check Customer Card for any customer 'Stain instructions'.
· Follow customer instructions.
· Where applicable, launder the garment.
if there are no customer instructions :
· Seek advice from Osca Office or Contact the customer for instructions.
· Follow advice given and proceed as instructed.
- Launder the garment
- hang or fold item back into customer basket.
2b If the stain can notbe easily laundered.
for example
- cross stain
Stop everything.
· Seek advice from Osca Office or Contact the customer for instructions.
· Follow advice given and proceed as instructed.
- hang or fold item back into customer basket.
3 Write a 'Stain Advice Note' to the customer. Bag or fold garment separately and attach note.
4 Continue Ironing.